Category: Legal

Panama has the most progressive drug laws in Central America, but that doesn’t mean that anything goes! Find out the specifics in this article.

Decriminalize Nature, the flagship of drug reform advocacy groups, tries to stay focused amid conflict with local chapters and the co-founder's anti-semantic slant.

The laid-back, tropical atmosphere of The Bahamas leads many to think it's no big deal to use drugs while visiting. The reality, though, is messier.

This article explores why drugs are illegal, such as public and personal health concerns, patent infringements, as well as more controversial ones.

As Canada faces growing demand for magic mushrooms, underground dispensaries are flourishing in Vancouver and Toronto, each with very different approaches.

Finding psychedelics in Denver is not as easy as walking into a shop and buying some. Here’s what to expect if you want psychedelics in the windy city.

Drug scheduling isn’t the most exciting topic, but it’s crucial to know how the system works. Here’s the bare minimum delivered in an easily digestible article.

Two bills in West Virginia are making their way through the conservative-dominated government. Here’s what they propose and how they harshen restrictions.

Vermont introduced two measures that would significantly alter their attitude toward drugs. Let's discuss what they say, along with their potential and shortcomings.