Connor McElroy

Connor’s fascination with the natural world started at a very early age. It’s no surprise that he went on to study ecology and habitat conservation in one of the most renowned nature colleges in the United Kingdom.

Once he completed his degree, Connor went on to work across the country learning about the plants and fungi that make up the diverse habitats of England. It was during these years that he developed his passion for medicinal and mind-altering organisms. 

Connor’s obsession with nature and its many intriguing fruits never stopped growing. He now lives in Europe and spends the majority of his time writing about sacred plants and fungi. When he’s not working on his passion, you’ll find him out in the wilderness somewhere hiking, fishing, or admiring the local flora and fauna.

143 Articles

The Tasmanian strain is the only strain on the market that comes from the diverse island of Tasmania. This strain is mild, but it has some attractive traits.

The legendary mycologist John Allen first collected this strain of Psilocybe cubensis (magic mushrooms). It's potent and easy to grow, but despite the name, Mexican Albino is more gold than white.

The Palenque Mexico strain is a psilocybe cubensis mushroom from an area of Mexico that has been consuming psychedelic mushrooms for centuries.

The Tak Mountain Cube strain is a great choice for beginners to mushroom cultivation, but it does take a bit longer to colonize compared to other Thai strains.

This Mexican strain is so at home in the Netherlands that it adopted the name "Mexican Dutch King." So what's special about this international cube?

The McKennaii strain is named after the legendary ethnomycologist and influential psychonaut Terence McKenna. So, how was it honored with the name?

PF Redspore is identical to the PF Classic strain developed by the legendary Robert McPherson. However, as the name suggests, this strain produces red spores.

PF Classic is an "OG" strain of P.cubensis that's been around for decades. It's not particularly potent, but it doesn't require much effort to grow and cultivate.

The Xico strain is about as raw as P.cubensis strains get. The genetics are "untamed," but the shrooms produce calm, introspective effects with low intensity.