J Gordon Curtis

J Gordon Curtis is a freelance writer from Flint, MI, based in Nashville, TN. He has a passion for cannabis and the decriminalization of the people who use drugs. 

When the pandemic started, James decided that his happiness was something worth taking a chance on. To that end, he decided to use the opportunity of boosted unemployment to chase his dream of becoming a writer. Leaving his job in sales, James would pursue this dream through the route of freelance, providing writing for cannabis companies throughout the country.

88 Articles

Dolphins, LSD, extraterrestrials, and sensory deprivation tanks were the main topics of conversation within a small research lab on an island in the 60s.

Psilocin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms and is responsible for their effects on the brain. Here’s a comprehensive overview of this compound.

Artificial intelligence has taken over several corners of the world, and psychedelics may be next. Here's how scientists are revolutionizing psychedelics with AI.

Could pairing magic mushrooms with a natural inhibitor increase their potency by as much as 4x? Here’s how some are making their mushrooms even more magical.

Finding psychedelics in Denver is not as easy as walking into a shop and buying some. Here’s what to expect if you want psychedelics in the windy city.

Psychedelics pose a problem for researchers by negating their potential to keep participants in the dark about whether they took the drug or a placebo.

Psilocybin and psilocin occur naturally in magic mushrooms — but only one is technically psychedelic.

Two bills in West Virginia are making their way through the conservative-dominated government. Here’s what they propose and how they harshen restrictions.

Vermont introduced two measures that would significantly alter their attitude toward drugs. Let's discuss what they say, along with their potential and shortcomings.