Phil Dubley

Phil has worked as a journalist covering the world of psychedelics and cannabis for nearly a decade.

He serves as one of the leading content writers for Tripsitter’s legal guides. He works alongside the rest of the Tripsitter Legal team to ensure all information is interpreted correctly, presented accurately, and maintained as laws continue to evolve.

Phil has spent the past 2 years exploring the various approaches to drug policy around the world. He posts unique insights he’s discovered through this research throughout his numerous contributions to the project.

142 Articles

Some people say kratom causes seizures, but does it really? If so, how common is it? Here’s a look at the research and statistics on kratom use and seizures.

Some tout kratom as a miracle herb; others call it a deadly, organ-damaging drug. Today, we'll find the truth to one question: Does kratom cause kidney damage?

In the past, snorting ketamine was the go-to for most recreational users — but the tides are shifting, and nasal ketamine is working its way into the medical system.

In the medical community, the application of intravenous ketamine is steadily gaining adherents as more and more of its benefits and uses become known.

What are the psychedelic laws in Guyana? Can you find wild magic mushrooms here? This article will answer these questions and more.

Uruguay legalized marijuana a decade ago but what about psychedelics? We’ll go over the drug laws for Uruguay and more in this comprehensive guide.

What are the psychedelic drug laws in Suriname? We’ll answer your questions on whether psychedelics are legal in Suriname and answer all your questions.

Kratom is relatively safe, but it still has side effects to be aware of. Here’s what to expect and how you can reduce the risks associated with its use.

Even though kratom acts similarly to opioids, it’s not one. Here’s a look at what makes it different, including kratom’s safety and effects.