Category: Magic Mushrooms

How long can mushrooms stay fresh in the fridge? Here are some age-old preservation techniques that improve their shelf life.

Magic mushrooms act on the brain in a number of ways. They're most famed for inducing psychedelic experiences, but they may also alter brain chemistry.

Eating magic mushroom chocolate is a great way to sink into a psilocybin trip. Here are four delicious and ­easy recipes for you to try out. 

Panaeolus cinctulus is a psychedelic mushroom species with an intriguing history. Find out more about its origins, potency, and use in this comprehensive guide.

Psilocybe caerulescens is a mushroom species that produces psilocybin. It's not as potent as many other shrooms, but it’s great for microdosing.

Psilocybe tampanensis is a rare psilocybin mushroom species with a mysterious history and the unusual ability to grow psychedelic truffle-like growths.

Psilocybe weilii is a lesser-known magic mushroom species that's surprisingly easy to cultivate. Learn more about it in this comprehensive guide.

The SG30 strain was almost lost, but thanks to a skilled mushroom breeder who “brought it back to life,” SG30 spores are now available to buy across the globe.

The Dixieland strain is the result of one man's determination. It took “Dial8” two years to find this wild strain, so let’s find out what makes it so special.