Category: Psychedelic Culture

Psychobiotics — living bacteria with the potential to help with mental health and brain function — are on the rise. But are they all they’re cracked up to be?

Dolphins, LSD, extraterrestrials, and sensory deprivation tanks were the main topics of conversation within a small research lab on an island in the 60s.

Artificial intelligence has taken over several corners of the world, and psychedelics may be next. Here's how scientists are revolutionizing psychedelics with AI.

Take a deep dive into the history, influence, and evolution of psychedelic art, along with some of the key artists in this counterculture movement.

Opponents of trans rights say transgender identities are a modern creation, but history doesn't support this. Within the grand scheme of gender history, the binary of “man” and “woman” is still a new idea.

The Stoned Ape Theory suggests that psychoactive plants played a key role in the evolution of human consciousness, intelligence, culture, and society.

Ethical challenges around using the military and veterans for psychedelic research abound. Let’s examine the health, ethical, and moral implications of this.

Astral projection practitioners believe it’s possible to intentionally separate the spirit from the body and travel the world and beyond. Could it be true?

Can one jpeg of a Mushroom Man heal the toxicity of meme culture? Probably not, but at least it’s kind of funny.