
Some people say kratom causes seizures, but does it really? If so, how common is it? Here’s a look at the research and statistics on kratom use and seizures.

Some tout kratom as a miracle herb; others call it a deadly, organ-damaging drug. Today, we'll find the truth to one question: Does kratom cause kidney damage?

Kratom has several applications, although some of them might seem contradictory. We'll cover the various uses for kratom and why its effects have such a large range.

Amanita muscaria is a psychoactive mushroom species with an iconic appearance. Although this iconic mushroom has psychedelic properties, it doesn’t contain psilocybin.

Both male and female cannabis plants are essential for growers. But males aren’t always welcome when it comes to growing weed. Read on to learn why.

The link between marijuana smoke and cancer is unclear. Let’s see what happens when studies control for confounders like smoking cigarettes.

Morels are a relatively common species of mushroom that can be found worldwide. However, their distribution can be localized, making them difficult to find.

Here’s what happens when you take delta 8 THC and magic mushrooms together.

In the past, snorting ketamine was the go-to for most recreational users — but the tides are shifting, and nasal ketamine is working its way into the medical system.