Unlock the potential of kratom for boosting energy: Explore the benefits, science, and other details on how to use this safe alternative to caffeine.
Curious about using kratom to relieve your pain? Before you do, find out why and how it works and whether or not long-term kratom use is safe.
White Water Lily or Nymphaea ampla is a water lily appearing in Mayan art, symbolizing shamanic transformation likely due to its mind-altering effects.
Huachuma Collective is an indigenous-led Peruvian non-profit seeking bio-cultural regeneration of the San Pedro cactus and the traditions using it.
The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed and risks losing not only plants and animals but an ancient culture that Mckenna Academy is working to save.
Is your body and mind suited for psychedelic use? HaluGen, a psychedelic gene test, promises to uncover your sensitivity to psychedelics so you can adjust accordingly.
El Puente is a non-profit receiving funding from Woven Science, encouraging corporate social responsibility and indigenous reciprocity.
Kené RAO seeks to give the Shipibo-Conibo tribe intellectual property rights over their traditions through legal frameworks, Web3, & agroforestry.
Ginsberg is a leading voice in psychedelic-assisted therapy research & reform globally. She's on a mission to help people heal trauma one microdose at a time.