Justin Cooke

Justin Cooke is the co-founder and creative director of Tripsitter.com — an evidence-based educational resource and media company dedicated to the exploration of mind-expanding substances, harm reduction, philosophy, and policy reform.

After graduating as an EMT in his hometown of Calgary, Alberta, Justin visited the Peruvian Amazon to learn more about ayahuasca and other local plant medicines. His encounters with Aya and San Pedro in the lush Amazon rainforest inspired him to dedicate his focus to the study of plant medicines — a pursuit that continues to this day. He earned a Master Herbalist Diploma in 2014 before moving to Australia to pursue a bachelor’s degree in herbal medicine from Torrens University.

Justin spends his time learning, writing, and talking about topics related to psychedelics, herbal medicine, pharmacology, drug policy reform, and philosophy.

Editor Co-Founder Herbalist
104 Articles

Amanita mushroom, AKA the fly agaric, is both hallucinogenic and poisonous. It's used in small doses to induce vivid and intense dreams. Amanita muscaria is legal in North America.

LSA stands for lysergic acid amide — it's the active psychedelic compounds in the morning glory vine & Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.

What’s the difference between legalization and decriminalization? What’s the current status of decriminalization of psychedelics in the US & around the world?

The default mode network is one of the seven large-scale brain networks. It’s involved with rumination, introspection, and interpreting self from other.

Mandrake is a real plant. It's toxic in higher doses and powerfully deliriant in lower doses. Learn about the strange world of the mandrake root.

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. Here are 23 essential books in the field of psychedelics.

Datura is a genus of hallucinogenic plants in the nightshade family. The hallucinations from this plant are often extreme & nightmarish.

There’s nothing like a good quote to get you thinking. ..

Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy involves the use of substances such as LSD, MDMA, ketamine, or psilocybin as a part of the therapeutic process.

Here’s how it works.