Category: Benzodiazepines

Triazolam has mostly gone out of favor as a benzodiazepine medication, but this compound still has some redeeming qualities. Learn about triazolam’s characteristics.

Etizolam is a classical benzodiazepine with a range of unique characteristics. Learn how to use etizolam safely & what alternatives to consider instead.

There isn’t much known about EVT-201 since it is still an experimental compound. However, there are some indications that it holds clinical value.

Flubromazepam is a designer benzodiazepine with no real clinical development. However, it does receive some use as a recreational drug.

Flubromazolam is, without a doubt, the single most dangerous benzodiazepine that one can get their hands on. Learn why it's so dangerous in this article.

Flumazenil is the antidote for benzodiazepine poisoning. It’s used in emergency medicine to stop overdoses in their tracks. Here’s what you need to know.

Flutazolam is a benzodiazepine derivative only approved for medical use in Japan. It shares many similarities to diazepam but also some marked differences.

There’s not much information when it comes to the research chemical 3-hydroxyphenazepam, but we can try and put into context what knowledge we do have.

Wondering about the properties of the benzodiazepine bentazepam? In this article, we’ll dive into what little is known about this obscure compound.