The Hillbilly Mushroom Strain: The 2022 Psilocybin Cup Microdose Champion
The Hillbilly strain won a spot under the “Microdose Champion” stage in the Spring 2022 Psilocybin Cup, and it has been growing in popularity ever since.

The Hillbilly Psilocybe cubensis strain has been circulating the spore market since the late 90s. Over the years, it fell out of the limelight, overshadowed by more potent strains. However, it recently regained recognition when it claimed a spot in the Spring 2022 Psilocybin Cup as a “Microdose Champion.”
This strain isn’t winning any high-potency awards, but it’s one of the best strains for microdosing. The Hillbilly strain is rated as “weak” — producing less than 0.60% total tryptamines — which may put some of you off. However, if you’re interested in microdosing psilocybin to improve focus, ease migraines, alleviate symptoms of depression, or settle ADHD symptoms, read on…
The Hillbilly strain produces medium-sized mushrooms that are relatively average-looking. It’s an easy strain to cultivate, and prolific yields can be obtained over several healthy flushes before the mycelium succumbs to mold growth.
This is a great strain for the beginner in mushroom cultivation, the newbie in taking magic mushrooms, or the psilocybin microdoser. Intrigued?
In this article, you’ll discover:
- The history of the Hillbilly strain
- The potency of Hillbilly mushrooms
- The Hillbilly strain’s genetic relatives
- Where to buy Hillbilly spores
- How to grow Hillbilly shrooms
- Other Psilocybe cubensis strains suited for microdosing
I’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about Psilocybe cubensis and other magic mushroom species.
Hillbilly Strain Specs:
Potency | Average 🍄 |
Cultivation | Beginner |
Species | Psilocybe cubensis |
Substrate Recommendation | Rye Grain |
Sold By | Spores MD (🇺🇸), Ralphsters Spores (🇺🇸), Sporeworks (🇺🇸), Sporeslab (🇨🇦), Spores 101 (🇺🇸/🇨🇦), The Magic Mushrooms Shop (🇪🇺) |
History of the Hillbilly Strain
The frequent Mycotopia user that goes by the name “Hillbilly” is credited with developing the Hillbilly strain. The original sample was discovered in Arkansas, Southern United States, in the mid to late-1990s.
The strain more or less disappeared from the scene during the 2000s, overshadowed by bigger shrooms, more potent strains, and more intriguing genetics. However, its podium finish as “Microdose Champion” has gained some interest.
Hillbilly spore samples are slowly reappearing in the product listings of major spore vendors across the globe, and cultivators and shroom fanatics are loving it. The Hillbilly strain is back, and it’s “trendy” again.
Potency & Psilocybin Content
The Hillbilly strain isn’t famed for its potency. In fact, it’s famous for quite the opposite — its lack of potency.
This strain gained a place in the Spring 2022 Oakland Hyphae Psilocybin Cup in the “Microdose Champion” section, producing 0.49% total tryptamines (0.23% psilocybin and 0.11% psilocin).
With results from its podium finish in the Spring 2022 Cup as well as data from previous testing, we’ve rated this strain as “Average” — capable of producing no more than 1% total tryptamines. Although this isn’t attractive for the cultivator looking to grow highly psychedelic shrooms, it’s ideal for the person looking to microdose psilocybin.
The Cup’s notes mentioned something peculiar about the tryptamine composition of this strain. It produced abnormally high concentrations of “norpsilocin” — also known as 4-HO-NMT (4-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine). This compound is a derivative of psilocin, but it’s less potent in terms of its psychedelic effects.
Norpsilocin may have a milder impact on perception, cognition, and mood. This potentially makes that compound a stronger candidate for microdosing compared to psilocybin and psilocin.
Hillbilly Strain Variations
The Hillbilly strain has two other known variants that share the same genetics, similar potency, and cultivation traits. However, these two variants look remarkably different from the original strain.
Here are the Hillbilly strain’s variations:
1. Hillbilly Pancake
The Hillbilly Pancake strain is a rare isolation of a phenotype that produces small mushrooms with flat pancake-like caps with a central depression. Spore samples for this strain are rare, but those who find them will be rewarded with some one-of-a-kind P. cubensis shrooms.
The potency of this strain is comparable to the Hillbilly strain, producing less than 0.60% total tryptamines. It’s also just as prolific and easy to grow.
2. Hillbilly Pumpkin
The Hillbilly Pumpkin strain is another offshoot of the original Hillbilly strain. This variation produces large, round fatasses that look like small pumpkins. Some cultivators have produced single shrooms that weigh over 200 grams.
The potency, resilience, and prolificness of Hillbilly Pumpkin are comparable to the original Hillbilly strain. It’s not a strong shroom, but the large fruiting bodies and prolific flushes make up for this.
Related: Magic Mushroom Strain Guide (100+ Strains Explained).
Where to Buy Hillbilly Mushroom Spores
The Hillbilly strain has been around for decades though it more or less disappeared from the limelight several years ago. It has regained popularity recently thanks to its podium finish as “Microdose Champion” in the Psilocybin Cup. As a result, spore samples have become commonplace at several reliable online vendors in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Here’s where to buy Hillbilly spore samples in your location:
- The United States: Hillbilly spore prints and sterile spore-filled syringes are available at Spores MD and Ralphsters Spores.
- Canada: Hillbilly spore syringes and prints are available from Spores 101.
- Europe: You’ll find Hillbilly spore syringes and vials at The Magic Mushrooms Shop.
How to Grow Hillbilly Mushrooms
Hillbilly Mushrooms are easily grown, even by beginners to magic mushroom cultivation. This strain will grow on most substrates, but we recommend rye grain or BRF — a mixture of brown rice flour, water, and vermiculite.
Sterile spore syringes filled with Hillbilly genetics are easy to obtain. Spores in this format are the easiest for beginners to get to grips with.
The best way to grow these mushrooms is to use a cultivation method known as Psilocybe Fanaticus Technique (PF Tek for short). This method requires very few pieces of equipment, minimal investment, and little knowledge of mushroom cultivation — making it perfect for beginners.
If you want to learn how to grow Hillbilly shrooms using PF Tek, head over to our cultivation guide:
How To Grow Magic Mushrooms: The Easy Way.
Other “Microdose” Strains
The Hillbilly strain is ideal for people who are looking to microdose psilocybin. Low-potency shrooms make good microdose candidates because they’re easily divided into sub-perceptual doses. Hillbilly isn’t the only great microdose strain out there.
Here are six other “microdose” shrooms to look at:
1. The Burma Strain
The Burma strain — also known as “the Burmese strain,” is a beginner-friendly Southeast Asian strain that produces an average total tryptamine content somewhere in the region of 0.50%.
The original Burma strain sample was collected outside Yangon, Myanmar (formerly Burma). It was collected by a Thai student at some point during the 90s who then gave the sample to the legendary mycologist and mushroom hunter “John Allen.” From here, a spore sample was taken to the United States, cultivated, and the resulting spores distributed among the mushroom community.
2. The Cambodian Strain
The Cambodian strain is another resilient Southeast Asian strain. John Allen collected it during his travels through Asia in the 1990s. This is one of the “easiest” strains of Psilocybe cubensis to grow, but it’s not particularly potent.
Recent testing discovered the average total tryptamine content to be around 0.57%, making it ideal for those looking for a strain to microdose.
3. Florida White (F+)
Florida White — also known as F+ or F-Strain — is a classic strain that’s easy to cultivate. This is one of the weaker strains on the market, producing around 0.36% total tryptamines.
The fruits of F+ are primarily white. However, it’s not a true albino because the mushrooms often produce light pigmentation in the caps and stems.
4. Lizard King
Although the Lizard King strain sounds like a super-potent, mind-blowing strain, it’s pretty weak — producing total tryptamine levels as low as 0.39%. It was named after the mycologist who discovered it — a person who goes by the online handle “Lizard King.”
Apparently, the original sample was collected in Mexico. It was noted to be growing on decaying wood, which is remarkably odd for Psilocybe cubensis.
5. The Tasmanian Strain
The Tasmanian strain is named after its place of discovery. The original sample was collected from Tasmania — a large island off the southern tip of Australia. Tasmanian mushrooms are medium to large-sized and produce average total tryptamine levels of 0.44%.
This strain is renowned for its heavy spore production, making it great for people who collect spores for microscopy or reproduction. Thanks to its contamination and temperature resistance, it’s also incredibly easy to grow — even for beginners.
6. The Huautla (Oaxaca) Strain
The Huautla strain was originally collected from somewhere just outside of Huautla de Jimenez — the historic hometown of the legendary curandera Maria Sabina.
This strain is easy to grow and produces reliable results. It’s renowned for its dense cluster formations and beginner-friendly potency — producing somewhere in the region of 0.47% total tryptamines. The mushrooms are small to medium in size, and the mycelium is remarkably aggressive — colonizing substrate in less than two weeks after inoculation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some FAQs regarding shrooms, so stick around.
1. How Many Psychedelic Mushroom Species Exist?
There are over 180 different species of psilocybin-producing mushrooms.
Many psilocybin mushrooms belong to the genus “Psilocybe,” including species such as Psilocybe cubensis (Cubes), Psilocybe azurescens (Flying Saucers), Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Caps), Psilocybe cyanescens (Wavy Caps), and Psilocybe baeocystis.
Although the Psilocybe genus is the most common psilocybin-producing shroom family, “magic mushrooms” also exist in other genera such as Panaeolus, Conocybe, Galerina, Gymnopilus, and Inocybe.
2. What’s the Best All-Round Strain of Psilocybe cubensis to Grow?
Several well-rounded strains of Psilocybe cubensis offer the perfect balance of potency, ease of cultivation, yield, and looks.
The best “all-round” strain is considered by many to be Golden Teacher. However, other well-rounded strains could also win this position.
Here are some of the best all-around cubes:
- The Kathmandu Strain
- The Allen Strain
- The B+ Strain
- The Koh Samui Strain
- The Ban Thurian Strain
- The Lipa Yai Strain
- The PF Classic Strain
3. What’s the Best Dosage of Psilocybe cubensis for the First Time?
Determining the best dosage of Psilocybe cubensis (or any psilocybin-containing mushrooms) for a first-time user can be challenging because individual responses to psilocybin vary.
A number of factors can influence the psychedelic experience, including body weight, metabolism, whether food has been consumed prior, and sensitivity to the active compounds. With this in mind, the best point of call is to start with as low a dose as possible and increase after an hour if needed.
Remember, you can always take more, but you can’t take less.
A common dose for a first-time user is typically one to two grams of dried average-strength Psilocybe cubensis. This dose ensures a mild experience, allowing them to become familiar with the effects of psilocybin. As time passes, the user can gradually increase the dose by consuming more dried shrooms in 0.30 to 0.50-gram increments.
Find out more about dosing: Magic Mushroom Dosing: Psychedelic Mastery.