Phil Dubley

Phil Dubley

Phil has worked as a journalist covering the world of psychedelics and cannabis for nearly a decade.

He serves as one of the leading content writers for Tripsitter’s legal guides. He works alongside the rest of the Tripsitter Legal team to ensure all information is interpreted correctly, presented accurately, and maintained as laws continue to evolve.

Phil has spent the past 2 years exploring the various approaches to drug policy around the world. He posts unique insights he’s discovered through this research throughout his numerous contributions to the project.

145 Articles

Are psychedelics legal in Mexico? Can I grow magic mushrooms here? You’ll find all the answers here.

Are psychedelics legal in Minnesota? What’s the likelihood this state will move to decriminalize magic mushrooms & other natural psychedelics?

Are magic mushrooms legal in New Hampshire? What about LSD and MDMA? Let’s examine the legal climate around psychoactive substances in New Hampshire.

Are psychedelic drugs legal in Wisconsin? What are the penalties for carrying magic mushrooms? Find out all the details here.

Are psychedelics legal in New York? What are the penalties for possessing LSD, MDMA, or magic mushrooms? Read on to find out about everything.

Are magic mushrooms legal in Washington? What are their medicinal uses? What about LSD, MDMA, and DMT? Keep reading and find all the answers.

West Virginia legalized medical marijuana, but what about psychedelics? Decriminalization is sweeping the nation, but what are the laws in WV?

Magic mushrooms grow everywhere, but it doesn’t mean it’s legal to eat them. Are shrooms legal in TN? Check out the laws on these and other psychedelics.

Switzerland’s stance on psychedelics looks drastically different from the US & many other countries. What are the laws on psychedelics in this relaxed country?