Category: Deliriants

A deliriant is a substance that produces visions and hallucinations that are untethered from reality. They induce a state of delirium (a state where someone has lost touch with reality).

The user is often unaware that they are having a hallucination at all — often engaging in conversation with a person that isn’t actually there.

Deliriants rarely produce an enjoyable experience. They’re often accompanied by visions of demons or other scary and threatening entities.

Brugmansia is a deliriant plant closely related to datura. Powerfully psychedelic with a dark side that sends most psychonauts packing.

Nutmeg has a storied history of abuse despite the potential for terrible consequences. Let’s dive into its history and the risks and benefits of using it.

Mandrake is a real plant. It's toxic in higher doses and powerfully deliriant in lower doses. Learn about the strange world of the mandrake root.

Datura is a genus of hallucinogenic plants in the nightshade family. The hallucinations from this plant are often extreme & nightmarish.