Category: Dangerous Substances

There’s no such thing as a “good” or “bad” substance. Compounds simply exist in this world. It’s our relationship with them and the way we use them that makes them helpful or harmful.
Even the most useful medicines can be dangerous when they’re not used in the right dose or context, or with the right intention.
With that said, there are a few compounds we can consider dangerous because they’re much more difficult to use safely.
Learn how to be responsible and safe with your psychedelic use and test your substances to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into.
Here’s a list of the compounds that bring the highest level of risk. 

Bags of pink powder have been creeping around the globe for a few years now. What’s in them?

Nutmeg has a storied history of abuse despite the potential for terrible consequences. Let’s dive into its history and the risks and benefits of using it.

Wondering what GHB is and how to use it safely? This guide includes everything you need to know, including the effects, dosage, risks, and more.

PCP (phencyclidine), also known as angel dust, is a powerful dissociative psychedelic with stimulant, euphoric, & deliriant effects.

Xenon is considered by experts to be “the perfect anesthetic.” Its powerful dissociative and euphoric effects kick in within seconds & fade away just as quickly.

Nitrous oxide (N2O), AKA laughing gas, is a powerful dissociative anesthetic with euphoric and psychedelic effects. Here’s how it works.

The dissociative class of compounds produce some of the strongest psychedelic experiences known. There's value to this experience, but there's also a substantial risk.

Ibogaine & its source plant, iboga, are powerful psychedelics with well-established anti-addictive effects — but it's not without its risk.