Category: Cannabis

Looking to know how much a gram of weed costs? Find out the approximate cost of a gram of weed and the factors that influence it.

Newcomer or not, it can be challenging to know the average price of weed. You don’t want to overpay, so here’s how much an ounce really costs across the US.

Not sure what an 8th of weed is or how long it will last? Don’t be embarrassed — it can be confusing, thanks to mixed forms of measurement.  

Looking to purchase a zip of weed? Find out what a zip of weed is, how much it costs, and how long it lasts.

Are you interested in growing your own weed? This detailed guide helps you start on the right foot and takes you from germination to harvest.

Both male and female cannabis plants are essential for growers. But males aren’t always welcome when it comes to growing weed. Read on to learn why.

The link between marijuana smoke and cancer is unclear. Let’s see what happens when studies control for confounders like smoking cigarettes.

Here’s what happens when you take delta 8 THC and magic mushrooms together.

Can weed improve focus and memory while relieving stress in people with ADHD? Here we unearth what the research says about it.