Avery’s Albino Strain: A Stunning White Shroom
Avery’s Albino is about as pretty as a mushroom can be. 🎀

Avery’s Albino is a rare strain of Psilocybe cubensis relatively new to the market. It’s believed to be an albino mutation of the Cambodian strain. Although it hasn’t been around long, Avery’s Albino is rising in popularity, especially in Canada.
Avery’s Albino mushrooms are unbelievably beautiful. They are true albino shrooms, unlike many other strains with the “albino” name tag. There’s not a spot of pigment on the fruiting bodies this strain produces, giving it excellent bag appeal.
Appearance isn’t the only thing Avery’s Albino shrooms have going for them. This strain is known for its mellow and highly creative high. In terms of potency, Avery’s Albino is about average for what you can expect from other cubensis mushrooms.
When it comes to cultivation, Avery’s Albino is fairly easy to grow with a bit of cultivation experience. It’s not the best beginner strain, but it will be a walk in the park for the intermediate grower with a few harvests under their belt.
Avery’s Albino Specs
Potency | Average 🍄 |
Cultivation | Intermediate |
Species | Psilocybe cubensis |
Substrate Recommendation | Rye Grain, Bird Seed, BRF, Coco Coir |
Sold By | Spores 101 (🇺🇸/🇨🇦), Miracle Farms (🇺🇸/🇨🇦), Sporeslab (🇨🇦), The Magic Mushrooms Shop (🇪🇺) |
History of the Avery’s Albino Strain
There’s some confusion about where Avery’s Albino comes from and who created it. Some say it’s a true albino variety of the A-Strain (Albino A+ is just leucistic, not true albino). Others say it’s an albino isolation of the Cambodian strain.
The strain was allegedly created by Shroomery user “Albinous White” by cloning a Cambodian albino mutation over multiple generations until the new genetics were stable. Supposedly, he named it after his daughter, Avery.
Avery’s Albino shares some qualities with all the strains mentioned, so it’s hard to say which “theory” is correct. However, it definitely seems more likely that it’s an albino variation of the Cambodian strain because it shares more growth characteristics and looks uncannily similar.
Avery’s Albino Potency & Psilocybin Content
Avery’s Albino has average potency. The effects of these shrooms are mellow yet intense and highly creative. The body high is strong, and both closed- and open-eye visuals can be good with higher doses.
A couple of samples of Avery’s Albino were entered into the Psilocybin Cup, providing us with some pretty useful data on the exact psilocybin and psilocin levels it can produce.
So far, 9 samples have been submitted for testing. The average psilocybin and psilocin content of these samples was 0.58% and 0.04%, respectively, for a total average tryptamine concentration of 0.64%. The strongest sample was reported in the Spring of 2021 by Mike G. This sample contained 0.86% total tryptamines.
These figures aren’t fantastic considering that other samples tested closer to 2% — but they’re relatively good for a typical Psilocybe cubensis strain and put Avery’s Albino on the same level as strains such as Golden Teacher, Koh Samui, and A+ Strain.
Avery’s Albino Variations & Genetic Relatives
Avery’s albino is thought to be a genetic isolation of an albino mutation from the Cambodian strain. However, some claim that this strain is actually a true albino isolation of the A+ Strain. This would mean that other strains, such as the Albino A+ strain, Koh Samui, the Burma Strain, and Albino Burma are also close genetic relatives.
Where to Buy Avery’s Albino Spores
Avery’s Albino is still a relatively new strain, and spore samples are hard to come across. However, you can find spores from vendors in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
At this time, we’ve only found spore samples available in the form of swabs. Using swabs in cultivation is far more complicated than using a spore-filled syringe and should only be approached by experienced cultivators. Beginners will struggle to produce successful results using swab samples.
Here are some of our favorite vendors that offer Avery’s Albino or similar genetics:
- If you live in the United States — MYYCO, Spores 101, Miracle Farms
- If you live in Canada — Spores 101, Sporeslab, Planet Spores
- If you live in Europe — The Magic Mushrooms Shop (🇪🇺), Shiny Spores (🇬🇧)
→ View all spore vendors & grow kit suppliers
How to Grow Avery’s Albino Mushrooms
Avery’s Albino isn’t the easiest strain to cultivate. We don’t recommend it for beginners, but it should be easy enough for someone with a bit of cultivation experience.
One of the main issues with cultivating this strain is the fact that the majority of the spore samples that are currently available come in the form of swabs. A spore swab is a cotton bud rolled on the spore-producing gills of a mushroom. Cultivating mushrooms from a spore swab is far more complicated than using a pre-filled spore syringe.
Using a spore syringe allows you to inject the solution directly into a jar filled with substrate. However, a spore swab is prepared differently. It’s not as simple as dropping the swab in a substrate-filled jar, that’s for sure.

When a spore swab is taken, it picks up spores and all the bacteria and potential contaminants on the mushroom’s gills. This makes it impossible to successfully inoculate substrate directly because other contaminants will likely take over before the mycelium gets a chance to take hold.
Spore swabs are germinated in agar in a petri dish. This way, the resulting mycelium can be transferred one or more times to eliminate any contaminants before it’s moved to the substrate and left to colonize. The process is relatively simple but rather confusing for someone with little experience.
The cultivator that works with spore swabs and prints must take great care to be sterile. It’s a much more in-depth process than using PF-Tek with a spore syringe. The PF-Tek cultivation method can still be used with spore swabs, but the healthy mycelium must be germinated in agar first.
Read through our guide on how to cultivate magic mushrooms to find out more about the cultivation process. If you’re new to mushroom cultivation, this guide will provide you with all the information you need.
We wouldn’t recommend starting with Avery’s Albino if you are a beginner. A strain like Golden Teacher, in a spore syringe, is far easier to cultivate.
Similar Strains
Avery’s Albino is an albino strain. The fruiting bodies of this strain are entirely white, and the spores produced lack pigment, making it a “true albino.”
Several strains are labeled “albino” if they lack pigment in the fruiting bodies they produce. However, many of these so-called albino strains are actually leucistic — meaning they aren’t true albinos because they still produce pigment.
There’s something special about a true albino strain. Leucistic strains are cool, but a shroom with no pigment at all is far more interesting.
Let’s look at a few other true albino Psilocybe cubensis strains:
With that said, we’re pretty sure that Avery’s Albino comes from the Cambodian strain because it shares so many growth characteristics. With this in mind, Avery’s Albino could have multiple genetic relatives.
Here are some possible genetic relatives of Avery’s Albino:

1. Cambodian (CMB)
Cambodian is the most likely candidate for the mother strain of Avery’s Albino. This Southeast Asian strain was discovered by John Allen during his travels through the region in the 1990s. It was found growing near the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
Cambodian is famous for producing extremely dense flushes. It’s a fast colonizer, is resistant to contamination, and can grow in unoptimized conditions. These traits make it a popular option among beginner growers, people that want to produce a large number of shrooms at once, or commercial cultivators.
This resilient Southeast Asian strain is well-rounded. It colonizes quickly, has above-average potency, and can thrive in less-than-ideal environments.

2. A-Strain (A+)
Some people believe that Avery’s Albino is a true albino mutation of the A-Strain. It’s otherwise known as A+ and was developed by a frequent Shroomery user and infamous mushroom cultivator known as “Mr. G.”
A+ produces large fruits of above-average potency with pale yellow caps and white stems. It’s relatively resistant to contamination and is surprisingly easy to grow.
A-Strain has been a popular shroom among amateur mycologists and cultivators for decades. It’s great for beginners, but cultivators of all levels will enjoy it.

3. Albino A-Strain (AA+)
Albino A-Strain, or AA+, is an “albino” variant of the original A-Strain. However, it’s not a true albino because it still produces purple-black spores. This makes it a leucistic strain, meaning the fruits lack pigmentation but still produce pigmented spores.
This strain is almost identical to the original A-Strain. It shares the same potency, large fruiting bodies, and resistant traits, but the mushrooms are pale white.
It’s a good strain for the beginner wanting to grow ghostly-white shrooms without the hassle associated with true albino strains.

4. Albino Penis Envy (APE)
Albino Penis Envy is an albino isolation of the original Penis Envy strain. It retains the original strain’s notorious potency and phallic shape, but the fruits are completely white.
Albino Penis Envy — alongside the other strains in the series — is one of the most potent Psilocybe cubensis strains on the planet. It was created by the team at Sporeworks and is extremely popular.
Although Albino Penis Envy shares many traits with the original Penis Envy strain, it’s not as easy to grow. This strain is far more prone to aborts than the pigmented version, and it can be challenging to get through the first flush. It’s not a great choice for the beginner but a good challenge for the intermediate grower.

5. Yeti Strain (YETI)
The Yeti Strain is an isolation of True Albino Teacher and was developed by the infamous mycologist and Shroomery user “Jik Fibs.”
Yeti shrooms look very similar to Golden Teachers, and the potency is comparable too. The major difference is the lack of pigmentation in the mushrooms, which gives them a pale white appearance.
Although this is a true albino, you may note some yellow coloration as the caps mature.
Overall, this is a well-rounded albino strain. Thanks to contamination resistance and fast colonization, it’s relatively easy to grow, and you can get good yields over several successful flushes.

6. Albino Treasure Coast (ATC)
Albino Treasure Coast is a highly potent albino strain of Psilocybe cubensis. It’s a true albino isolation of the original Treasure Coast strain that was first discovered on Florida’s Gulf Coast.
The mycologist named “Mr.G” supposedly developed Albino Treasure Coast and distributed its spores among the mushroom community. However, it’s still unclear whether he was the first to isolate this albino mutation.
Albino Treasure Coast isn’t easy to grow. It’s prone to aborts and needs a good environment in order to produce successful results. It’s not for the beginner, but intermediate growers shouldn’t have many issues cultivating this strain.
Albino Treasure Coast spores can be tricky to find. It’s still a relatively new and rare strain, with the only known spore vendor that stocks its genetics being Spore Works.
Strains vs. Species: What’s the Difference?
Avery’s Albino is supposedly an isolation of an albino mutation produced by the Cambodian strain. Both Avery’s Albino and Cambodian are related and part of the same species of psychedelic fungi — Psilocybe cubensis.
Psilocybe cubensis is just one of the hundreds of different species of psychedelic fungi, but it’s the most common in nature and among cultivators. It’s popular because it’s relatively easy to cultivate, and there are a lot of genetic variants.
There are hundreds of Psilocybe cubensis strains, with Avery’s Albino being one of them. Although many of them look and feel completely different from each another, they all belong to the same species. Strains can produce several different traits but belong to the same species if they can successfully produce fertile offspring.
- A Species is a family of biological organisms that can successfully breed or exchange genes to create fertile offspring.
- A Strain is a genetic variant that produces specific characteristics that set it apart from other strains within the species. Strains under one species can successfully interchange genes or breed with one another to create new variants.

It’s not just the Psilocybe cubensis species that has several different strains. There are different strains within other fungi species as well. In fact, many species of animals and plants have different strains or breeds. Just look at cannabis. This plant species is made up of hundreds, if not thousands, of strains with different qualities.
Strains are present in hundreds of species. Strains occur naturally through cross-breeding and also by human intervention through selective cross-breeding. You only have to look at the Canis lupus familiaris species (dogs) to see how we humans selectively breed animals to create new “strains” (called breeds rather than strains in animals).