Category: Tryptamines

The most common class of psychedelic substances is tryptamine psychedelics.

The most famous members of this class include DMT, psilocybin, and LSD.

These compounds interact with the serotonergic system (primarily the 5-HT2A receptor) to produce shifts in perception, ego-death, and introspection.

Alexander Shulgin outlined dozens of natural and synthetic tryptamine-based psychedelics in one of his books titled TiHKAL (Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved).

LSD is the original psychedelic, but despite its popularity, there are still some people that fear it, so is it safe? Does LSD kill brain cells?

A legend in literature, Aldous Huxley was a big supporter of psychedelic drugs. Learn about his interesting life and beliefs.

Are you worried about taking too much acid? Don’t worry — it’s nearly impossible to overdose on LSD, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take too much.

What’s a fair price to pay for LSD? Check out this guide for an in-depth look at how dealers price LSD, from potency and delivery method to geographic location.


Jedi flipping might sound fun, but check out this guide for information about the effects and safety of combining MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin before you try it.

Are you interested in candy flipping? This article looks at combining MDMA and LSD, including the side effects and why it’s better to experiment elsewhere.

ALD-52 was invented by the same man who discovered LSD. It’s a prodrug of LSD, which means it’s converted to the active form after reaching the liver.

We all know by now that LSD induces hallucinations and alters one’s consciousness, but what’s actually going on? What does LSD do to the brain?

LSD is gaining in popularity, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to be wary of. Here's all there is to know about the potential long-term effects of LSD.