What Is DiPT? The Auditory Psychedelic
DiPT is related to DMT, but instead of intense visuals, it creates a unique psychedelic effect of distorting sound. 🎵

DiPT or N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine is a tryptamine and analog of DMT (dimethyltryptamine).
However, unlike DMT and other tryptamines, DiPT’s effects focus on auditory distortions. Visual effects are present for some people, but they remain clear and lucid.
The drug could interest neuroscience researchers because of its focused effects on the perception of sound.
DiPT can make sound so distorted at high doses that listening to music or having a conversation is impossible.
Some people report a greater appreciation for music and sound with lower doses.
DiPT Specs:
Active Ingredient | N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (DiPT) |
Level of Risk | Low |
Most Common Side Effects | Auditory distortions |
Duration of Effects | 6-8 hours |
Legality | Varies, Unscheduled in the US |
Responsible Trip Checklist: DiPT
- 🐍 I understand why psychedelics should be treated with respect.
- ⚖️ I’m familiar with the laws surrounding psychedelics in my country & state.
- 🍄 I’m familiar and confident in the dose I’m taking (the dose range for DiPT is 50-100 mg).
- 🧪 I’ve tested a sample of the substance I’m using with a drug testing kit.
- 💊 I’m not mixing any medications or other substances with DiPT.
- 🏔️ I’m in a safe & comfortable environment with people I trust.
- 🐺 One of the members of my group is responsible and sober (AKA, a trip sitter).
- ⏳ I have nothing important scheduled for after the trip.
- 🧠 I’m in a sound & healthy state of mind.
Alexander Shulgin, the chemist to first synthesize DiPT, suggested a dose range of 25-100 mg. His book TIHKAL documents his experimentation with consuming DiPT orally [1].
At the lower range, he heard auditory distortions. He writes, “My wife’s voice is basso, as if she had a cold — my ears with slight pressure as if my tubes were clogged, but they aren’t.” He also mentions feeling “underwater” and sounds being “out of key.”
The effects continued for Shulgin, and he remarked that if he were deaf, the compound would not have appeared to be active. When he ventured up to a high dose of 250 mg, Shulgin “felt he was a fallen angel,” and people around him sounded like “frogs” and “space people.”
Reports online tell of snorting DiPT for rapid effects with a shorter duration. Auditory effects also diminish faster than oral ones.
Oral Dosage
Getting the dose right with this one is essential. The more you take, the more distorted your hearing will feel — if you go too high, you might experience some pretty uncomfortable side effects that kill any enjoyment from the audio distortion effect.
Here’s some general information on how most people are using DiPT (assuming no tolerance):
Threshold | 25 mg |
Standard | 50 mg |
Heavy | 100 mg |
What Does DiPT Feel Like?
The vast majority of trip reports focus on DiPT’s auditory effects. The focus is often on music or its effects on social situations. Lower doses have been used to appreciate music.
The specific auditory effects are described in terms of audio effects.
A “flanger” or “phase shift” are terms for describing the effects of sound, which mix together with a slight delay. This effect, however, is not linear and not well understood.
Other reports mention DiPT lowering or tuning down sounds around people. At higher doses, some people report being unable to understand any sound at all.
Some reports of confusion exist, but DiPT does not seem to have significant cognitive effects. Visuals are reported as “distortions,” not the hallucinations one might associate with tryptamine.
Some side effects (besides the inability to hear clearly) include feeling disoriented, nausea, and teeth grinding. For the most part, DiPT does not seem to cause serious physical discomfort.
Other effects, which are usually desirable, do occur. Examples are a body buzz, slight euphoria, enjoyment of tactile sensations, and a slight increase in energy.
The key features of DiPT include:
- Auditory distortions that increase with the dose
- Potential light visual distortions
- Mild euphoria
- Clear-headed
How Long Does DiPT Last?
Shulgin states that when DiPT is taken orally, it lasts 6-8 hours.
Reports suggest that auditory effects can persist many hours after other effects subside. One report had effects lasting into the following day.
When snorted, the effects are said to last 3-4 hours and have a rapid onset. Auditory effects linger longer than others, but not for hours like an oral dose.
How Strong is DiPT Compared to Other Psychedelics?
In comparison to other psychedelics in the tryptamine class, DiPT is not as intense. However, that isn’t to say it isn’t potent. The auditory effects can be confusing, and even though most can still understand their environment and speak, being unable to hear is a significant handicap.
Regarding cognitive effects, like those of its analog N,N,DMT, DiPT is quite mild. Visual effects are rare, and euphoria is mild to mid-range. Ultimately, DiPT is a research chemical, so treat it carefully. In terms of psychedelic intensity, it is difficult to compare it to the more potent tryptamines.
Risks & Side-Effects
The safety profile of DiPT appears to be quite good. Shulgin took more than double the recommended dose in this article without concern for physical health. The tryptamine class of drugs has a low risk of abuse.
As the molecule’s effects have yet to be deeply examined, it is difficult to determine what long-term effects DiPT could have. There are no existing reports of persisting auditory distortions.
In TIHKAL, he mentions concerns about combining DiPT with MDMA. A subject experienced pressure in the ears that bordered on painful. There are also reports of tinnitus while taking DiPT, which may concern those with existing ear conditions.
A study in rats also suggests the potential for addiction with DiPT is quite low, being on par with classic psychedelics like LSD or DMT. Most rats preferred cocaine or MDMA [2].
Testing DiPT
Testing any research chemical is essential, no matter how trustworthy a source is. Unlike many other research chemicals, sources are available for reagent testing DiPT.
Bunk Police, an organization that makes and provides a variety of drug testing kits, has posted videos of testing DiPT with the Marquis, Hoffman, and Mecke reagent tests. The results are a deep red to rusty orange. We recommend watching the videos. A successful reagent test does not guarantee the purity of a substance.
Side-Effects of DiPT
The known side effects of DiPT focus on its auditory distortions. Other side effects include:
- Bloating
- Confusion
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Grinding teeth
- Muscle tension
- Nausea
If long-term side effects exist, they are not known.
In the United States, DiPT is not a scheduled substance at the time of writing, except in Florida. This, however, is an anomaly, as in many other countries, DiPT is scheduled.
For example, DiPT is illegal in the following countries:
- Canada
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- Sweden
DiPT is not scheduled in Australia or specifically by the European Union. However, laws regarding DiPT will vary from region to region.
Be sure to do your homework before attempting to obtain any research chemicals.
How Does DiPT Work?
The exact mechanisms of DiPT’s auditory effects have not been studied. Analysis of DiPT shows effects on various serotonin transporters, mainly the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2A receptors [3]. DiPT does not appear to have significant psychostimulant effects on dopamine or norepinephrine (adrenaline) like MDMA or mescaline [4].
The real mystery, and perhaps utility, of DiPT, however, is how it specifically targets the auditory systems in the brain. In TIHKAL, Sasha Shulgin pushed to have imaging studies done to see what areas of the brain DiPT targets to produce such unique effects. He suggests this could help locate the pitch center in the brain.
Shulgin was also interested in modifying the compound further in search of more unique properties. “If you don’t look, you won’t find.”
1. How Should I Store DiPT?
Like any psychoactive compound, DiPT should be stored in a cool, dry place away from any light and excessive heat. We don’t know how long DiPT takes to degrade, but it’s likely that it can last many years in the right conditions.
2. Will DiPT Show Up on a Drug Test?
Standard drug panels do not test for DiPT. A typical drug test only looks for a short list of very commonly used substances. Studies using chromatography methods have detected evidence of DiPT in urine. In the event of suspected use, samples of urine, blood, or hair could be sent to a lab for possible detection [5].
3. Is DiPT Addictive?
There are no known reports of DiPT forming dependence. Its effects are novel to psychonauts and researchers, but in comparison to other compounds, its potential for abuse is low. However, addiction to any psychological effect is possible.
4. Is There a Medical Use for DiPT?
There is no known medical use for DiPT. Studies have expressed interest in its specific auditory effects, but there is insufficient research to apply DiPT to medical conditions. However, DiPT may offer insight into how the brain processes sound in the future.
- Shulgin, A. T., & Shulgin, A. (1997). TIHKAL: the continuation (Vol. 546). Berkeley: Transform press.
- Carbonaro, T. M., Forster, M. J., & Gatch, M. B. (2013). Discriminative stimulus effects of N, N-diisopropyltryptamine. Psychopharmacology, 226(2), 241-246.
- Rickli, A., Moning, O. D., Hoener, M. C., & Liechti, M. E. (2016). Receptor interaction profiles of novel psychoactive tryptamines compared with classic hallucinogens. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26(8), 1327-1337.
- Gatch, M. B., Forster, M. J., Janowsky, A., & Eshleman, A. J. (2011). Abuse liability profile of three substituted tryptamines. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 338(1), 280-289.
- Al-Saffar, Y., Stephanson, N. N., & Beck, O. (2013). Multicomponent LC–MS/MS screening method for detection of new psychoactive drugs, legal highs, in urine—experience from the Swedish population. Journal of Chromatography B, 930, 112-120.