Category: Psychedelic Medicine

Ketamine treatment for bipolar depressive disorder isn’t as straightforward as unipolar, but there’s some reason to hope. Here’s what you should know.

Ketamine dose for pain depends on many factors, such as the method of administration, type of pain, and how an individual responds to it.

Ketamine sedation doses are variable and depend on the procedure, method of administration, and how an individual tolerates ketamine. 

Ketamine treatment for OCD isn’t straightforward but may benefit some. Here’s how it works (or doesn’t) and everything else you should know:

Magic mushrooms act on the brain in a number of ways. They're most famed for inducing psychedelic experiences, but they may also alter brain chemistry.

Ketamine might have a role in fibromyalgia treatment. Here’s a look at the potential benefits, challenges, and the evolving perception in medical circles.

Want to join a psychedelic clinical trial? This guide will tell you how to find psychedelic research and apply to participate in clinical trials near you.

In the past, snorting ketamine was the go-to for most recreational users — but the tides are shifting, and nasal ketamine is working its way into the medical system.

In the medical community, the application of intravenous ketamine is steadily gaining adherents as more and more of its benefits and uses become known.